
Life is a Revelation…be encouraged

Gentleness is not something that came naturally to me…and some would probably say it hasn’t come at all…but this is wonderful post to learn from…thank you all for taking the time to read it…and thank you David for posting it…be encouraged!

Live & Learn

gentle, kind, big dog-bunny

“Gentleness may have been the first thing I noticed about Joe…I may have noticed his size at about the same time: though he is by no means an enormous man, he was the tallest person in our training, and one of the few men.  Though I believe that he is gentle by nature, I get the sense that he also carefully cultivates gentleness, probably in part to compensate for a tendency to seem imposing.  The intensity of his focus, his fierce intelligence, and his penetrating insight may have contributed to an all-around sense of intimidation, were it not for his warm heart and gentle approach…Joe’s equanimity and gentleness were part of what made me so suspicious.  I felt I was being lulled into something, perhaps made to accept some kind of touchy-feely, New Age pabulum. (Only much later would it occur to me, with a painful shock: somehow I had…

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5 thoughts on “

  1. Wonderful….is very nice Orofiorentino form Italy

  2. orepuk on said:

    Magnifique entre une grosse brute et un lapereau inconscient.

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