
Life is a Revelation…be encouraged

Archive for the day “November 18, 2012”

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Bright, shiny objects!

Live Life Quotes, Love Life Quotes, Live Life Happy

via The Best Teachers Are Those Who.

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I am going to reblog this, not because I am in agreement with every tenet Bonnie puts forth, but because I believe she raises some very interesting questions that we need to ponder. Please take a few moments to read the comments as well, they contain several interesting thoughts…be encouraged!

My Rivendell

Someone I know asked a really tough question the other day.  They were angry about someone who had hurt a child being allowed access to tv, computers and learning while in jail.  The comment was something along the lines of ‘how do they deserve that?’.

The story was disturbing, but the question she asked remained in my head for a long time.  She mentioned that she tries to have compassion for others in her daily life but can’t see how or why she ought to have any for someone who willfully hurts children.  She really just wanted them to feel the pain that they had inflicted.

That’s a tough one.  I had to take some time to think about that because I too struggled with the idea about whether ‘bad’ people deserve our compassion. 

This is what I have come to realize.

There is a difference between an expectation of…

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Sometimes it is important…be encouraged!

Bright, shiny objects!

Greatist – Health and Fitness Articles, News, and Tips

via Poster: I’m Doing This for Me.

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Once again I am captivated by the opening quote, but Evan goes on to write deeper, from within himself, and if we listen very closely, we can hear the murmur of our own thoughts…be encouraged!

The Better Man Project

I wrote this piece last night, and wanted to write today about the after effects of it. I posted the writing below.

I Accept

I accept your challenge…the one you put in front of me,

You know exactly who I can and cannot be,

You have taken away the noise and left me in silence,

Causing my inner voice to storm with violence,

But you know that this is the test before the storm,

To get me ready to ultimately perform,

In front of the crowd who needs a voice,

Because that voice, was lost in the noise.

You have stripped away the people who were once near,

To make me listen to my heart with both ears,

You have allowed me to doubt the path and its result,

Causing a little bit of personal tumult.

But you know better than all,

That this is just part of the internal…

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Bright, shiny objects!

Live Life Quotes, Love Life Quotes, Live Life Happy

via Fear Is A Feeling.

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Bright, shiny objects!

Live Life Quotes, Love Life Quotes, Live Life Happy

via Life Is Too Short.

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