
Life is a Revelation…be encouraged

My Head Is Dizzy…

There has been a strange force moving through the universe lately. Maybe it has something to with the monster sun spots which are getting ready to unleash these massive, powerful solar flares. Or it could be something connected to the recent return of the first commercial space craft to carry supplies to the Space Station. Maybe some kind of alien life form attached itself to it and was released into the atmosphere as craft plummeted back to earth. After all it landed close to California.

I guess it could be nothing like that at all. There always seems to be a lot of weirdness in the air every time there is a presidential election. So it could have something to do with the fact that two grown men are spouting a lot of words that a lot of other grown people don’t believe for a moment.

Whatever it is, it is causing some very unusual things to happen in the blog world. Let me give you some solid rock hard evidence which will convince you beyond any reasonable doubt that mysterious elements are a drift in our midst.

  1. I received the Lovely Blog Award.
  2. I received the Sunshine Blog Award.
  3. I received the Tell Me about Yourself Award.
  4. I received the Beautiful Blogger Award.

Now to I want you to hearken back to the days of the Perry Mason show. I realize for some of you this will require you to call your Grandparents or take out your Smart phones and google “perry mason”, but I’m patient, I’ll wait.

Perry Mason was a fictional defense attorney created by Earl Stanley Gardner. He authored over 80 books in which the masterful Perry Mason always got his helpless, maliciously maligned client acquitted of first degree murder by verbally applying the screws to some poor daff who thought he could get away with taking another’s life.  The daff didn’t have a chance. Under Mason’s penetrating glare and mountain of facts, the daff always collapsed, sobbing his confession.

The TV series kept me glued to the screen as a kid. First by the riveting voice of Raymond Burr who portrayed Perry Mason. His voice was a cross between soft velvet and rolling thunder. He was awesome. Just as awesome was Della Street played by Barbara Hale. For a young boy on the verge of puberty, Della Street was smokin’ hot.

But I digress.

The real reason I have taken you down this bunny trail of a long forgotten TV series is to draw attention to the poor scared defendant. Up to the point when Mr. Mason would unleash his avalanche of evidence on the unsuspecting daff, it would look like the miserable suspect was guilty as sin. All the evidence would point to him or her.

Well I am that poor, miserable, lost, hopeless defendant. Except instead of accusing me of first degree murder you are saying I am worthy of awards. Oh you poor misguided souls. In the past I have alluded to having been nominated for these awards because I  transferred large sums of money from my account (which would have been impossible, because there are no large sums of money in my account) to your account, of you being under the influence of strong drink, and possibly allowing yourself to be driven by spirits that do not have your best interests at heart.

I confess I have greatly enjoyed receiving these awards. They have given me the opportunity to indulge in a type of writing that I normally don’t do (as in never). Plus they have allowed me to suggest to you some other bloggers who have deeply enriched my life with their posts. I’m telling you…you all can do some seriously great and freakishly awesome writing.

Karen at nominated me for this award. As I understand it I don’t have to reveal any hidden nasty elements in my life. I can just go straight to telling you about some fine writers, who have blogs that are a true blessing. So here goes:

  1. Bird has a blog entitled Everyone Has A Story at…and does this woman have stories. Sometimes they are hilarious, other times you can feel the pain. No matter what she picks it and soldiers on. Talked about a trooper…this woman is the real thing.
  2. Arianna at keeps writing me telling me she wants ideas for posts, but geesh the woman has over 32,000 views. Don’t you think she should be giving us advice. Heck for that many views I would pay for it. Check out her blog…there is a reason so many folks are flocking to read what she has to say.
  3. This woman at just received this award a couple of weeks ago, but I’m giving it to her again…and the reason is you’ve got to read this post……it is the perfect post encompassing everything I believe in regards to facing our fears, then using them to become a stronger person. She ROCKS!
  4. Amelia at is an unique young lady. She is writing a book about her obstacles in overcoming Cerebral Palsy and while you might be inclined to think the subject is not something you have driving desire to read…give her a go…her writing is so pure and well constructed you will find yourself wanting to read everything she has written. She is one great young lady and for an old person like me, she provides substantial evidence that the next generation will be just fine.
  5. I just like the way Beverly at writes…and besides she just became a Sherlock Holmes fan…and I love everything about Mr. Holmes.

Thank you again, Karen. I am hopelessly indebted to you for your belief that I deserve this. And just as I wrote in the comment section of your blog…the check is in the mail.

Be encouraged!

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19 thoughts on “My Head Is Dizzy…

  1. Pingback: And A Third – The Liebster Blog Award « Everyone Has A Story

  2. Thank you so very much, i will try to add more Sherlock Holmes to my reading pile 🙂

  3. Stephen, I’m not at all surprised that you continue to get more and more awards. Your posts are very insightful. They are also well written and witty. On top of that, you are also a very kind human being. Well deserved! 🙂

  4. Congrats again!

  5. ariannasrandomthoughts on said:

    Stephen — you are so kind. I’m kind of speechless by your remark. Thanks for the nomination 🙂 You rock! Keep up the awesome work.

  6. I love that comment about waiting to be googled and how you’re patient. Awesome! 🙂

  7. I am embarrassed because I am not sure if I ever thanked you or not for nominating me. I hope that you agree that “better late than never”. I congratulate you on your awards and I humbly thank you for mine and for the kind words you used. A day full of blessings to you! 🙂

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