
Life is a Revelation…be encouraged

You Will Never Believe What Happened

  I have decided to write only when accepting awards. So If all of you bloggers will start creating new awards and nominating me, it will significantly reduce me having to create new thought provoking content for my blog. I have given some thought to the name  of some new awards, here is an early list, but I’m refining all the time:

  • Incredibly Beautiful Man Blog Award
  • Handsome Man Beyond All Belief Blog Award
  • The Greatest Human Being Alive Blog Award

Susie suggested:

  • Greatest Unbelievable Air Head Blog Award

Jake the Wonder Dog suggested:

  • Oh My God, You Can’t Even Be Thinking of My Dad Blog Award

Jake can be a little cruel at times.

Okay here is what happened. Karen Wan was having a real slow day.

We’ve all had them. The brain moves like frozen molasses. Nothing going on up there and cob webs are beginning to form around our hands as they rest on the keyboard. The chair creak sounds like a rifle shot, because the house is dead quiet. Grey clouds loll across a lead sky and we haven’t mustered up the energy to turn on any lights. Our face has the blue cast of the monitor light reflected in it, occasionally the eyes blink. They are the only sign we haven’t succumbed to eternal rest.

That was what was happening to Karen, except she had to do something. She needed one more name to nominate for the Beautiful Blogger Award. Yet nothing. Complete and utter void. Her thoughts were like the sound of change falling on an empty barroom floor. They echoed. The clock hands ticked one more time…finally…but still nothing. Could this be what suspended animation is like?

Then a slight blip on the radar screen…it was vague, but it was there. Another sweep of the radar arm…and still just a distant, vague, faint blip. Another and another and another, finally something taking shape…she could see it…it wasn’t much, but at least it was something, and at this stage she was desperate, with a capital D. A few more moments slipped away…she thought of that old soap opera…the one that displayed the hour glass…”Like sands through the hour glass, slip the days of Our Lives…how true she thought.

After what seemed like eternity she could begin to make out the answer to her long ago asked plea, “Please God, I just need one more blogger.”

Finally there it was…Stephen Edwards at LifeRevelation.

So thank you Karen Wan of I humbly accept your nomination, no matter how laborious it was for you.

Time to do the spilling:

  1. I hate to drive and I’m really bad at it.
  2. I always wanted to be a lawyer. In fact, to kill time, in my earlier life, while waiting for my connection, I would go to the local law school library and read case briefs.
  3. I’m one of those vegetarians who gave up eating meat because he can’t think of an animal being killed (please keep comments to slow boil).
  4. In reality I am a true Type-A personality driven by unseen forces to change the world into a better place (I hear voices and they like me) (Susie says I have finally gone too far with this one).
  5. Jake the Wonder dog REALLY does talk (Jake says I have gone too far with this one).

Now for the blogs:

  1. Subhakar Das  at is a writer who will make you think about writing.
  2. Jennifer Rhoades at is just an awesome young lady. She has been serving our country in the military, has a young son named Logan, and is the type of young woman I wish my son would marry.
  3. Lynne at has the spark. She is quick, witty, and when she comments on anything I’ve written it is well thought out. Her blog is a great read.
  4. Marianne at is one of those blogs you might overlook. Her entries are usually very short, but they are impactful. I don’t believe she has ever written a post that didn’t cause me to stop and think.
  5. E at always has good word. His posts make me smile and I always enjoy reading them.

Well there you have it folks. I’ve accepted another award for which, at the very best, I can only be marginally worthy of.

None of you will ever know how truly grateful I am that you think of me when nominating these awards. It is such an honor to be recognized by my fellow bloggers. I’ve been thinking lately…which is always very frightening…wouldn’t it be great if we held a big bloggers convention and all the really great famous bloggers could speak and the rest of us could hang out and talk. Let me know what you think.

Be encouraged!

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26 thoughts on “You Will Never Believe What Happened

  1. I would like to nominate you for the: “No one knows what’s next, but everybody does it” award!?!
    Have a great weekend and be well mate!!!

    • Thanks…but I’m telling you what a great blog you have. The humor you display never ceases to crack me up…thanks for making life just a little bit easier to endure.

      Be encouraged!

  2. I was laughing as I read your post, and then was so moved when I kept reading and saw that you mentioned my blog!! Thank you so very much for your kind words! You made my day 🙂

    • Lynne you earned each one of those words of praise…your content is always well thought and entertaining…and you silly goose (affectionate term meaning one who writes really well) you are a writer…what the rest of us dream to be some day. 🙂

      You are the second best woman I know.

      Be encouraged!

  3. You always make me laugh…like my husband. 🙂

    • Thank you for your kind words…and to be compared to your husband…that ushers me into some very rarefied atmosphere…lol.

      You and yours have a great weekend…and thanks for taking the time to comment…I am glad you enjoyed reading my post.

      Be encouraged!

    • Thanks, Jen…hope you are having a great weekend.

      Be encouraged!

      • You be encouraged too!

      • Jenny, be honest with me…do you live on the computer? Seems like every time I reply to you, you are right there…do you walk around with it tied to your waist?…lol. 🙂

        Be encouraged!

      • You are funny Stephen…Currently working on a second blog which will launch in two months…and preparing the family powerpoint slide show for the reunion so that is why I am always in the computer. Happy weekend!

      • The second blog could possibly earn me some money..a little side business..hoping it will be a full time so I do not need to work for somebody else…will be meeting with the trader on the 8th to discuss business..Plus, the slide show taught it will take me a couple of days no…it turns out to be a huge project since my family is big…pretty much done with the family part and still need to do the departed ones….

      • Well best wishes with the whole making money thing…I am looking to do something similar with LifeRevelation…hopefully.

        Be encouraged!

      • Thanks Stephen…Always must be!

  4. Congrats on the awards, more interestingly enough was your description about how you were nominated….

  5. Stephen, you are worth every award you get! And a big thank you for nominating me, and thank you for your kind words about my blog. I really appreciate it! You are a star! 🙂 The flu continue to give me a lot of trouble, but as soon as I’m back to “normal” I will thank you properly on my blog.

    • Marianne, it is wonderful to see my brainwashing techniques have been effective on you…lol.

      Be careful with the whole flu bug thing…Susie and I wrestled with it for almost three months…it was extremely nasty…sapped our energy and we felt like we were continually moving in sludge…remember the rest advice…hard to do, but highly effective…do I sound like an over-protective parent?

      Look forward to seeing my name in lights on your blog soon. 🙂

      Be encouraged!

  6. Thanks for your parental advice, I appreciate it! 🙂 I haven’t been this sick for about 15 years… Back to bed, even though I just want to sing and dance… I send you a new email as soon as I can.

  7. You made me laugh with this post!

    That wasn’t exactly my process in choosing you for this award. 🙂 It was more like I was waiting for an excuse to give you an award and one appeared.

    I very much enjoy your writing just as the many other people who have been bestowing you with awards lately! 🙂

    • You know…for the life of me…I thought I had your writing process pegged…oops. 🙂

      Thank you Karen for all of your kind and gracious words…I obviously find it difficult to take compliments graciously, but in my heart I can’t tell you how wonderful it feels to know what you write has a positive impact on others. I am grateful to be a voice for change.

      Thank you again…I am truly humbled by all of it.

      Be encouraged!

  8. Hey! congratulations!! and thanks to your blog award nominees I’ve found some good blogs to add to my list…read you soon

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